Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Busy, busy, busy

I suppose I've accepted that the paperwork for studying abroad will never end. I kid you not, right as my dad and I finished mailing my visa paperwork today, I got an email about other things to take care of (immunizations, secondary medical coverage, etc.). It's like playing Whack-A-Mole.
Okay, enough complaining; I'm actually in quite a good mood. The Pre-Departure Orientation (PDO) is in just 17 days, and I can't wait to reunite with some of the AFS volunteers and students I met at the Christmas party. I've been a bit worried about budgeting since I have zero experience with this level of independence, so this'll be a good opportunity to ask some questions. 
Bless bless until next time!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Studying Icelandic with Prudence and the Other Student(s)

Fun fact: my science teacher informed our class that this is "palindrome week"; in other words, 4/18/14 backwards--if you move around the slashes--is still 4/18/14. This works for all days that begin with a 1 this week. 
As for Iceland, I've made a pen pal! (Her name will remain undisclosed since I don't know if I have her permission to use it, so we'll call her "M".) While we don't live anywhere near each other, at least we're both from and going to the same countries. She's still in the application process, but I'm crossing my fingers that she gets accepted.
Lastly, I came across a grade A Icelandic resource that combines two of my favorite things: clever wordplay and, well, grade A Icelandic resources. If anyone is in the market for that kind of thing, it's called Nicelandic and the link is here. Enjoy!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Hooooooly crap. Honestly, the giddiness hasn't quite hit me yet, maybe because I still have forms to finish. Or maybe I'm just in shock. Either way, I'm definitely relieved. I feel like a massive weight has been on my shoulders for the longest time that I don't have to carry anymore. It's all downhill from here! ...I think.