Thursday, July 10, 2014

Whoops, I lied. 
But, hey, when I come, I come bearing news. I got my travel notification (finally), so now the REAL planning can which I mean the FUN planning can commence. I may have mentioned this in an earlier entry, but I'm going to New York a few days ahead of the international departure date with my parents to do some sightseeing since I've never been before, and so far we've got a pretty unconventional itinerary lined up. The details will be saved for a later date--probably when I'm actually there--but let's just say that a large portion of it doesn't include typical tourist destinations. 
It'll be a few more weeks before I have any information on my host family or the school I'll be going to, but I've got plenty to do in the meantime, primarily paperwork. (It seriously never ends. Ever.)
Oh, and regarding the beach pictures not being posted yet: they are coming, I promise, but I stupidly loaned my camera to someone without importing everything first, so it will probably be later this week. Be patient with me--there's only so much this stressball of an exchange student can handle at a time.

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